Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More fom last year

Even though things were rough for me last year I still managed to get around. These images were taken in Granada Mississippi. This couple renewed their vows after 30 years of marriage.

I'm Still Alive

I just want to start off by saying, Happy New Year! I know it has been a long time since I’ve posted a blog and I’m sorry. Last year was some kind of year for me, I lost my Grandfather and my uncle, so it was really hard to joggle work, church, and business, not to mention trying to be the best husband I can be for my wife, however this a new year and I will try my best to make this year be a way better year than last year, and to prove it here is just a few images from various shoots last year.

Here is a sneak peak from gospel recording artist J2’s photo shoot

The images below are of couple that is truly in love